Kinrou Alvacy

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Kinrou Alvacy

Pronunciation: Kin-row
Age: 23
DoB: year 852 on the 14th day of spring
Gender: male
Orientation: straight
Race: human
Origin: Telvan
Height: 5'7
Build: wiry
Home town: Mt. Dorayen
Group Affiliations: Shadowhawk Bandits, Dragon Warriors
Occupation: bandit, Dragon Warrior

Known family members: no known blood relatives, but he was raised by a slave woman (who was later killed) and then raised by his best friend Jiken’s mother. He considers Jiken to be his brother.


He tends to be very blunt and open about things. He sees no point in beating around the bush, though he often has difficulty in expressing emotion.
He doesn’t like women much due to experiences in his childhood.
He can be very devious.


His hair is terra cotta red and hangs to his shoulders. His eyes are blue. He has no scars.
He prefers to wear tunics and trousers and is almost always seen wearing a pair of black gloves. Kinrou uses no weapon, but he wears his Sacred Gen in the glove on his right hand.
He is dominantly right handed.


Most foods he’s eaten he likes, especially roast chicken and venison.
Playing his pipe, playing ball, rock climbing, horse back riding
Being outdoors
The colour brown

== Dislikes ==

He’s only met a few food he didn’t like very much and all of that was Dovalian cuisine. He also has a strong dislike of gruel and soup.
studying, meditating, camping, berry picking (or any kind of food gathering). He can’t swim, so he doesn’t like bodies of water.
Tents, lakes
The colour orange


Physical Abilities: street fighting, expert horseman, theft, breaking and entering
Mystical Abilities: Placed in his hand holder, his Sacred Gem gives him the ability to call fire.


His earliest memory is fire. He remembers the heat from the flames, the sting of the smoke in his eyes, and the sounds of screaming people around him. That’s all he recalls of his life before his life with the Shadowhawk bandits.

He was caught trying to steal the Dragon Crown along with his best friend Jiken. Kal Sharash called him to be a Dragon Warrior and he was given the sacred gem that had belonged to the recently deceased Dragon Warrior named Shanye. He’s not too fond of women and avoids Mienna when it’s at all possible. He’s not to found of Chounen either.


Nahiro Tanthriil his best friend among the Dragon Warriors
Sahiren Nilkarath rival and general irritant
Nalshen Rael friendly rivalry
Jiken Alvacy brother
