
Sentient: yes
Body Structure: animal
Locomotion: quadruped
Home world: Siulia
Language: Vishi
- Vereen
- Majuval
- Adriss
Major Cities:
- Iiril
- Klorel
- Valier
Level of Technology:
Colouration: assorted
Flesh Covering: fur
Number of Eyes: 2
Positioning: side
Tails: one
Mode of walking: quadruped
Foot type: three toed feet
Warm or cold blooded: warm
Religion: The twins Vitha and Lamaris
Type of Government: Council of elders
Social structure: tribe
Group name: glory
Despite being quadrupeds and having a very animal-like appearance, viellar are quite intelligent and are easily as intelligent and sophisticated as the bipedal equashil. The two work together very well. They're more mystical than the equashil, preferring to rely on magic rather than tech, but they do have it in their society in order to make life easier. Most of it is made by the equashil.
They are ruled by a council of elders, chosen from each tribe. Each tribe is governed by a Chief or Chieftess and his or her advisor, who can be anyone from the tribe they feel worthy.
Viellar wear clothes and jewelry appropriate to their social standing.
Gender and age distinctions[edit]
Adult female:
Adult male:
Group: glory
Social Roles[edit]
There are fourteen viellar tribes on Siulia and each one elects a representative to send to sit on the council. It's a position that lasts for a term of five years with the possibility of being re-elected.
This is typically a hereditary position, passed from parent to child. It's often the eldest child, but not always. In the event that there is no direct heir available, a close relative may be selected instead.
Every Chief/Chieftess needs an advisor, and they can choose almost anyone they like from the tribe. Typically, they choose a magi, priest/priestess, or a spell crafter.
Each tribe has a Divine, who is the head priest/priestess. They act as the head of the order and interpret the will of the Twins. They are not eligible to be an advisor to the Chief/Chieftess.
The shaman is separate from the magi and spell crafters, though their clothing is fairly similar. They work in tandem with the Divine and are the keepers of ritual and traditions. They are not eligible to be an advisor to the Chief/Chieftess.
They see to the spiritual needs of their tribe.
They're very reclusive, keeping apart from the rest of the tribe unless they're needed. These are the members of the tribe who are capable of using magic.
They keep an eye on the tech used by their tribe. They work closely with the equashil to develop tech that can be used by the viellar and adapt existing equashil tech for their use. It's not often that they're called on to act as advisors.
Protectors (guards, soldiers, scouts)
The military arm of the viellar. Also rarely used as advisors.
Viellars are primarily carnivorous, so they have designated tribal members who hunt for the entire community. All viellar are capable of doing so, but with the progression of their species and the subsequent diversification of skills, it became necessary to set aside a group of tribesfolk specifically for hunting.
Viellar housing and furniture are vastly different from those used by the equashil, and so they need their own architects and builders.
Spell crafters
They have magic, but not enough for practical purposes. Their function is to research new ways to use and apply magic.
Artisans (artists, weavers, clothing makers, carpenters, jewelers, etc)
Despite having hooves instead of hands, viellar are still skilled artists. The addition of technology has made it easier for them to ply their craft and has widened the variety of things they can make. There is a split among the artisans with some preferring traditional crafting methods over those aided by tech.
Workers (farmers, forge workers, bakers, brick makers, stone workers, gatherers, etc)
These comprise the bulk of viellar society.