The Great War

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The Great War[edit]

What is now referred to as the Great War happened when a large group of sehashi all over the known universe went bad. No one noticed what was happening until it was too late. They’d learned from the mistakes all the past rogues made and concealed themselves until they were ready to make their move. The war raged on for a long time, the equivalent to almost thirty Earth years. Countless lives-—both civilian and sehashi-—were lost. Worlds were damaged permanently by the fighting, some were rendered uninhabitable. The rogue sehashi were able to turn other sehashi to their cause and some even managed to act as double agents, causing massive damage before they were found out. That was bad enough, but the worst damage came from the civilians they recruited. No one saw it coming. The sehashi all foolishly believed that the war would be just like the other conflicts and things would be kept amongst themselves and not involve outsiders. Those corrupted civilians are how the Lords of Chaos were first formed.

It took a long time at the cost of dozens of sehashi lives to find the source of the problems. The Ssu-Ling were the ones responsible for corrupting other sehashi, turning them to their cause. They were so quiet, keeping mostly to themselves and protecting the borders of the land they thought of as theirs from invasion. Anything that happened outside of that area they didn’t worry about. No one was ever able to figure out how they managed to corrupt so many when they never actually left their country. Earth’s sehashi were historically very close to each other and were, in fact, the most closely knit group in existence. At least, until after the war; understandably, things changed. Had any of the five Ssu-Ling left their country, someone would have noticed. They didn’t leave and they had no visits from any of the sehashi who went rogue.

After it was discovered that they were behind it all, those sehashi who were strong enough confronted them. There were six of them who survived the fight. The powers of the Ssu-Ling were so great that they were unable to defeat them and so they combined their powers and sealed the weakened Ssu-Ling away in a pocket dimension. Five keys were created to unlock this seal. Those keys are the only things binding them. If they had them in their possession, there would be no way to seal them up again. Those keys are objects of phenomenal power and would make them stronger than they were before.