Starbuck Birchwood

Name: Starbuck Osiris August Birchwood
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Birthday: August 31
Blood Type: O
Appearance: He’s of average height at 5’8’’. He has very wild orange hair, but it pales by comparison to the interest his eyes get. His right eye is green and his left is blue. He’s always found wearing loose jeans and baggy shirts, generally in greens, whites, and earth tones. He prefers to be barefoot and as a result the soles of his feet are leathery and tough. Generally, he looks very relaxed and happy.
Personality: His relaxed and happy look isn’t just a part of his appearance; it’s how he really is. He refuses to worry about much in life as he was brought up by parents who taught him that it’s better to do things than to sit around and worry. He really doesn’t like being indoors and spends most of his time in the small grove of trees behind his house in the Spring Glades housing district. Unlike most hippies, he’s not really into the whole illegal narcotics thing, preferring to light scented candles and meditate on his own without their help. He’s also very much a vegetarian, refusing to eat any meat. It’s hard to get him to eat eggs, even, unless he knows for sure that they weren’t fertilized. For him, he doesn’t follow the common line of thought that animals exist for man to use for food. He has no problem with wool, but furs and leathers upset him greatly. He believes that animals, all of them, are our brothers and sisters even if they have a lower intelligence. After all, don’t people generally claim that their siblings are lacking in that department?
He attends Khun-Lun high school even though he was offered a scholarship to Elysium Valley High. He has the grades to get in but he’s strongly against wearing uniforms.
Talents: sewing
Fears: fire and snow
Dislikes: meat of any kind, arguments, drugs
Likes/Hobbies: sewing, candles, making hemp jewelry, meditation
Favorite Food: fried tofu, vanilla pudding with strawberries
Least Favorite Food: any meat
Favorite Gemstone: jade
Favorite Color: green, chocolate brown
Favorite Flower: poppies
Least Favorite Flower: daisies
Strengths: Very open and optimistic, sees the beauty in all things, very intelligent
Weakness: He won’t hurt animals, not good with girls, doesn’t like being confined
- Mother: River Astrid McMann
- Father: Phoenix Dylan Birchwood
History: His parents own a joint flower shop and bicycle messenger service, having moved to Elysium Valley not long after the city was completed and opened for people to move in. He attends Khun-Lun high school even though he was offered a scholarship to Elysium Valley. His parents don’t believe in school uniforms and other similarly conformist things.
Generally, he’s led a very quiet life. He’s an only child. His parents insist that he calls them by their given names and they all behave more like good friends than like two parents and their offspring.