Shun'lo Ikgar

Faction Designation: VTS R Dra
Goes by: Shun
Gender: anatomically female but has no practical gender
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 24
Birthday: Ajris 45, 1895
Species: Artificial life from
Home world: Radiphael
Current residence:
- Height: 6’2’’ or 188 cm
- Weight: 194 lbs or 88 kg
There's a crack in her face under her left eye.
Unlike natural born radiphians, she has dark grey skin. There are gaps in her skin that glow light blue-green. Her ears have pointed tips. She is lipless. Her hair is short and spiked upward. It doesn’t grow like natural hair although she could adjust its length if she wanted to. It blends in with her scalp at the base and is a blue to dark blue gradient at the top.
Being artificial, she can modify parts of her body. It’s a common practice for Ikgar androids to do so. To avoid standing out from the other more emotional ones, she added flexible metal wings to each hip. These are dark blue.

Clothing style: It’s not necessary for her to wear clothing as she doesn’t feel the cold. Raphidians are uncomfortable with naked androids so all models wear some type of covering. It took a lot of convincing to get her to wear even minimal clothing. Her lack of emotion couldn’t comprehend why it was necessary.
Personality: Shun is considered a failure by her creators. All the other Ikgar model androids display the capacity for emotion. Shun has no such ability. She finds emotions confusing. This aside, Shun is intelligent and capable of forming bonds of friendship and loyalty. It simply takes her longer than most. She finds concepts like betrayal and dishonesty difficult to grasp.
Strengths: As an android, Shun is quite strong. She’s three times the strength of her planet’s native inhabitants. She’s curious to see how that strength stacks against other species. She doesn’t breathe. She often forgets that other beings need to do so.
Weaknesses: Shun is vulnerable to strong magnetic fields as they can overload her circuits. She is also vulnerable to some types of minerals. As yet a full list has yet to be compiled. This is part of her compulsion to collect rocks, sampling strange minerals to see if they have any sort of ill effect on her physical or cognitive processes.
Dream: To find a deserted planetoid and live without having to worry about other people and their emotions.
History: Her lack of emotional capacity was cause for her to be scrapped. One of the factory workers, feeling sorry for her, took her home, falsifying the documentation. The other models in her series all pick names for themselves based on their individual characteristics. Shun, on the other hand, takes her name from part of her model designation. In the radiphian language, Shun means eight. The worker tried to get her to pick something else, but Shun felt it described her, as she was the eighth one built in the Lo construction group of the Ikgar model.
Food: she doesn't need to eat
She enjoys rock collecting; rocks make no demands of her, they don’t die, and she finds the patterns in them esthetically pleasing
Food: she doesn't need to eat
She has a strong distaste for the insistence of organic life forms that she should want to acquire the capacity for emotion.

Known languages: Radiphian, Galactic Standard
She doesn’t breathe. She often forgets that other beings need to do so.
Her activation date is different from the day her construction was completed, but radiphians count years of service from activation date, not the date of completion