Sheanalee Ramsay

Gender: F
Species: human
Birthday: 10/13
Age: 24
Appearance: 6'2"
Personality: Honest, factual, nervous
History: Sheanalee discovered her identity in mid high school when most of the others had been sehashi since at least junior high. She earned her cyan uniform not long after Badb. Lelahel believes she has great potential. She’s shy, which most people find odd given her height. Most of the team is pretty sure she made up the moose, the animal that she’s nicknamed after. Badb and Caoimhe know better. She’s of First Nations heritage and takes it seriously. There’s a sizeable Cree population in Gehenna City looking for a fresh start. Because of her heritage she understands Meritt’s need to connect with her people. She’s often the only one Meritt will talk to.
Food: Sour food
Gemstone: Agate
Flower: Iris
Colour: bronze and cyan
Activities: Boxing
Food: pudding
Gemstone: Azurite
Flower: Helebore
Colour: beige

Code Name: Jaspar
Team: Gehenna Gemstones
Primary Colour: red
Secondary Colour: rawny brown
Tertiary: dusty rose
Power Type: fire
Status: inactive
Gust Fireball
Scorching Chain