
Sentient: yes
Body Structure: humanoid
Locomotion: bipedal
Home world: none
Major Cities:
Level of Technology:
The quelovese live on a migrant fleet of ships after their home world was destroyed when the sun went nova. They're not technologically advanced enough to have built these colony ships. The common belief is that they were gifts from the gods. There are 3 colony ships and one member of the ruling Triumvirate resides on each.
Type: polytheism (moderately matriarchal)
Direction: inwards
Focus: health and physical well-being
Ruling Deities[edit]
Xiddal - the Goddess of Abundance and Evil
Khesas - God of Oaths and Chaos
Important Deities:
Molmera - the Goddess of Courtship
Eeilla - the Goddess of Dreams
Utnar - the God of Nightmares
Asaos - the God of Thunder
Krittix - the Goddess of Orphans
Phoid - the Goddess of Ghosts
Divine Interaction: plays a part in most rituals
Involves: many saints/demi-gods
Afterlife: reunites those separated in life and cannot be reached while alive
Supernatural: guardian angels/spirits, monsters, angels (benevolent ghosts)
Worship: joyous group daily prayers at home
Holidays: very often
Holidays Celebrate: heroes, past revelations, prophets, historical events, past battles
Major Holiday(s): involve great feasts
Clergy: both genders
Function: ceremonial leaders, spiritual advisors
Lifestyle: ascetic
Family: none (chastity required)
Chosen: elected by the people
Distinguished By: a magical/divine aura
Cultural Aspects[edit]
Symbol:a book and a fist
Holy Colour: vermillion
Passed Down: via many holy books and some oral tradition
Creation Myth Type: order from void/chaos
Mortals' Origin: forged from metal
Major Myth/Symbol(s): the journey
Deadly Sins: wrath, malice, neglect, indifference, recklessness, apathy, pride, despair and faithlessness
High Virtues: charity, thoughtfulness, wisdom and chastity
Associated Artform: stories/parables
Coming of Age: 9 years old (females only)
Coming of Age Rite: involves tattooing/scarification
Marriage: is based on love
Marriage Rites: involve much gift-giving
Death Rites: The dead are cremated, their ashes blown out into space.
Major Taboo: certain clothing
Prevalence: believed by most
Outsiders: are forced into hiding
The flotilla is ruled by a triumvirate. Each member sits for 3 years before they retire. They all have equal voice regardless of their years of service.
Trine are required to be unmarried in order to best remain neutral. Once they've retired, they may marry and have a family if they want.
Quelovese are resourceful and use every last piece of something, recycling until an object is no longer worth saving.
They don't have a standardized currency, relying on bartering instead. All things have a known value so that trade can be fair.
Standard goods such as food and water are allocated to each family unit. This ensures that their basic needs are met. Luxury goods are bartered for.