
Sentient: yes
Body Structure: humanoid
Locomotion: bipedal
Home world: Tirizar
Major Cities:
Level of Technology:
The average member of this race is quite tall. They have have drab red-to-orange body fur that forms a large ruff down their backs. Part of it looks like a tail but is non-mobile, like human hair. Only the females of the species have the curled horns. Both genders have large, floppy ears that are fully mobile and used as part of their language. Their teeth are designed for a carnivorous diet but they’ve grown culturally disinterested in killing animals. Even so, the young require it as part of their growth so hunting is permissible with that in mind. It’s seen as a job for the lowest of the low, even though it’s for feeding children.
They wear highly technological suits. They come from a tropical environment. They are generally intellectual and many of their leaders have had aggressive expansionist policies.
While they have male and female genders, the females don’t have breasts like most humanoid females do. They’re more like foxes in that respect and have them lower down on their torso. They really only become visible through their clothing when they have young to nurse. A female qondreon can have at least three young at one time with the record being eight.