Priests of Effervuansland

Location: Effervuansland
Controlled Territories:
Related Items:
Related Ethnicities: Effervander
Related Myths: Lost souls
Major Deities: Naenoe
Symbol: has radial symmetry and a cat-pupiled eye
Holy Colour: gold
While the Effervanders are polytheistic in theory like the rest of the Ferali people, their primary focus at their temple is on Naenoe. There are icons depicting the remainder of the pantheon, but this is admittedly only so that the other gods won't feel offended. Open worship of anyone other than Naenoe is seen as highly strange.
Nenoe is the the god of abundance, but He has many other titles:
The Giver of Plenty, He Who Decrees, The Many-Named, The Smiter
Creation Myth Type: order from void/chaos
Mortals' Origin: grew from the earth
monotheism (very patriarchal)
Major Myth/Symbol(s): the golden age, the sacrifice
Cosmological Views[edit]
Tenets of Faith[edit]
The afterlife is an unhappy place for all and can be reached by the living, with effort.
joyous individual prayer in public temples
Holy Days[edit]
Holidays: fairly often
Holidays Celebrate: past battles, great rulers, the equinoxes, past miracles, saints, prophets
Major Holiday(s): often include exchanges of gifts
Function: interpreters of scripture/myth, direct connection to divine, connection to spirits/deceased
Chosen: appointed by head of clergy
Distinguished By: bound to a certain location
Clergy: males only
Divine Interaction: somewhat uncommon
above average
Family: large (children encouraged)