
First Appearance: Stars of Destiny: Talismans, Act 2
Last Appearance: Stars of Destiny: Talismans, Act 6
Ophiuchus is a nagi, one of the serpent people of the planet Zarass'ahan. Her specific subspecies are blue in colouration with a medium Caucasian skin tone. As such, her hair tone becomes blue rather than black. Only the sehashi among her race have the ability to take on a two legged form although the tail remains. It's seen a sign of great power when they manage to do it. It's understandably exhausting to maintain that form. Ophiuchus really doesn't like doing it though she does admit that it's sometimes more convenient than her natural form. When rendered unconscious without her choker on, she automatically reverts to the half serpent form.
Disguise Item[edit]
She wears a green choker with a golden sphere pendant. If removed, she will revert to the more humanoid of her two forms.
Code Name: Ophiuchus
Primary Colour: green
Secondary Colour: brass
Power Type: soul
Sehashi Level: Warrior
Weapon: The Serpentarius is a hereditary weapon, passed down among the sehashi of her family line.

Name of Power: Serpent Twist
Power Type: offensive
Description: A green serpent made out of energy comes out of the ground and wraps around the target, giving them a shock
Name of Power: Serpent Staff Hypnosis
Power Type: Defensive
Description: Holding her staff above her head, she says the words and her eyes turn green and snake like and begin to glow, as do the eyes of the serpents on her staff. Anyone who looks into the eyes will be paralyzed until eye contact is broken. This attack will ensnare both friend and foe.
Note: Without the staff, she is still capable of mesmerizing people with her eyes. It's not as effective and she can't hold people for long but she can do it. It can cause her some severe headaches if she does it too often. It's a natural ability of her people and is used in dominance competitions.
Name of Power: Serpentarius Soul Healing
Power Type: Healing