
Lifespan: 80 years
Average Height: 15 inches
Average Length: 30 inches
Genetics and Reproduction[edit]
They find new mates during each breeding period. The family group is big and is led by the eldest female.
Dietary Needs and Habits[edit]
They eat flowers and a variety of berries.
These are sometimes captured when they're young and raised as pets. They're quite popular in Ciheim. Due to their high intellect they're easy to train. They don't seem to like breeding in captivity though. It's possible, but rarely happens.
Uses, Products & Exploitation[edit]
Okli feathers are in demand as decoration and for use in fashion accessories.
Geographic Origin and Distribution[edit]
These shy bird-like creatures live in hilly areas. Large populations can be found in the Rookgroom mountains, near Whitebridge, near Dephel Village, Mothdrop Peaks, and not far from Bornpark Town.
Average Intelligence[edit]
These creatures are quite intelligent.
Perception and Sensory Capabilities[edit]
They communicate telepathically. They can spray a foul smelling fluid to deter enemies.