Nimue Mochrie

Name: Nimue Caitir Mochrie
Meaning: Nimue (unknown) Caitir (Pure, unsullied) Mochrie (my beloved)
Pronunciation: Ni-moo-eh Kay-tear Mo-cree
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Birthday: November 06
Western Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Moon phase: waxing moon
Celtic Tree Sign: Birch
Blood Type: O
Appearance: She has long blond hair with short bangs that she always wears loose. It comes down to her thighs and is perfectly straight. Her eyes are light green. She has the skin tone of your average Caucasian girl. She likes to wear chunky running shoes, loose t-shirts, and tight fitting green jeans with a skirt over top made of colorfully patterned fabric. On the ring finger of her right hand, she wears a gold ring with an opal in it, a gift from her grandmother when she turned fourteen.
Nimue is of average height, standing at 5’7’’ and weighs about 150 lbs. She’s never seen with make up on. Physically, she’s very fit, but slightly built. In high school, she was on the cheerleading squad so she does a lot of exercise. Her favorite piece of jewelry is a Celtic cross worn on a black cord around her neck.
Even though she’s 17, she looks childlike.
Personality: Nimue is very sweet and outgoing. Some people accuse her of being a flake and a ditz, but she isn’t really. She’s quite intelligent, just overly social. She loves animals, especially cats, and flowers and loves to be out doors. Nimue is a morning person, always up and ready to go. She has this extreme and understandable fear of owls and eagles given her history. She always keeps an open mind to the world, never thinking that something is automatically bad or wrong or right until she gives it some thought first. She loves to look at pretty guys, which doesn’t help her image as a flake and a ditz. She’s no more or less devout than the average person, going to the local shrine once a week.
Education: First year university student
Talents: Designing clothes
Dislikes: Tests, traveling, flying(she gets motion sickness)
Likes/Hobbies: She likes to be around people, talking, dreaming up new designs, making friends
Favorite Food: cherry pie
Least Favorite Food: fish
Favorite Gemstone: emerald
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Flower: Lilly of the Valley
Least Favorite Flower: daisies
Strengths: Very open and optimistic, trusting, sees the beauty in all things, and is very open to new ideas.
Weakness: Her optimism blinds her to reality. It’s very easy to fool her. Her eternal optimism and youthful appearance cause people to think that she’s younger than she is and so they don’t take her very seriously. Her vulnerability to motion sickness limits her mobility. She likes to go places, but tend to be limited by where she can go by herself. She doesn’t like cars or trains, so tends to go everywhere by foot or on a bike.
Family: She normally makes her home in Dublin with her parents. She has three older brothers, but they don’t live at home anymore. Her home is a small apartment on the edge of town. Presently, though, she’s attending university in Elysium Valley on a scholarship to get a degree in fashion studies. Presently, she lives in a large dorm building near the edge of campus with several other girls.
History: Her past as Nimue is fairly simple and straight forward with little of interest. She was born and raised in a small town near the coast of Ireland and is part of a family of six with three older brothers who all live elsewhere. The eldest works in a church in central Dublin while the other two are married. Her parents are very strict, but her maternal grandmother is much more open in her ways of thinking and lets her read anything she wants. Her parents prefer that she sticks to her school books and would be horrified to know that she was reading things that are forbidden.
Nimue doesn’t buy the family religion of Catholicism and feels a tug towards other, older ways. The one time she questioned it, she was punished so severely that she’s learned to keep her deep, personal thoughts inside.
Code Name: Sailorblodeuwedd (pronounced bluh DIE weth)
Level: Celestial
Primary Colour:
Secondary Colour:
Power Type:
Weapon: Crescent Staff
Name of Power: Beatha Bláth (Life Blossom)
Power Type: Supportive
Description: She raises her staff and points it towards whoever she wants it to affect. That person is surrounded by a swirling of hawthorn petals. She can use this to heal up to a serious injury of one person or minor injuries of three per day.
Affected Area: One person at a time.