Mashwara Rayu

Name: Mashwara Rayu
Gender: female
Species: unknown
Age: Immortal
Appearance: Her skin is green and her hair is sandy blonde. Her eyes are grey-blue. She’s 5’4’’ and weighs 110 lbs. Her frame is very petite.
Clothing style: She prefers to wear lots of baggy clothes..
Personality: She’s very calm and withdrawn. She hates having to deal with people.
Education: none; she’s never been to any kind of formal school.
Family: long dead
Code Name: Rayu
Planet: Black hole Cygnus X-1
Colours: gold, purple
Type of Character In Battle: offensive
Weapons: Gravity staff: it’s a long pole with a slowly rotating disk around its center.
Uniform Design: Her uniform is only visible for a brief moment after she assumes her sehashi identity, as all light around her is absorbed. All that remains visible is a faint bluish glow around her.
Power: Gravity

Power name: Event Horizon
Attack Type: defensive
Description: Temporarily freezes people in place
Power name: Energy Jet
Attack Type:
Description: Shoots a blast of energy both in front and behind her. They aren’t very powerful and, at best, do little damage. Typically, they stun her opponent.