Indigo Brooks

Name: Indigo Brooks
Gender: female
Age: 23
Birthday: March 4
Blood Type: O
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Strengths: Maintaining disguises
Weaknesses: showing emotion
Family: She’s an only child. Her father died when she was young, so it’s just her and her mother now.
School History: Stargazer University
Disguise Item[edit]

Type: pendant
Shape: teardrop
Indigo has knee length blue-black hair and deep blue eyes. Her eyes always have a sad look to them, making people believe that she is always on the verge of crying. Despite this, she’s a very cheerful person, even though she hides her deeper emotions from others. Physically, Indigo is 5’11’’ and weighs a meager 148 lbs. She’s elegantly slender, without any noticeable muscle on her. She’s more power oriented as a sehashi, so she feels no need to bulk up the way Ember and Hunter do.
Clothing style[edit]
Typically, she wears a pair of black cut-off shorts, a white tank top, and high top runners. Her nails are painted a dark blue with silver sparkles.
Always calm and peaceful, serene, which is how she got her Earth name. She is the eldest of the group, and the most magically powerful, even though she can’t heal a monster. Despite being calm on the outside, due to the fickle nature of water, it’s a struggle for her to keep her emotions under control. Bad things happen when she looses control, things like flash floods and other water related disasters directly proportional to the mount of control she’s lost.
She gets along reasonably well with everyone. Ember is her best friend. She’s also distantly related to Janan.
Indigo is also known as the mysterious Starwave. She is the eldest of the group, and the most magically powerful, even though she can’t destroy a monster. This is attributed to her largely calm and gentle nature. She is the only one of the four that hasn't suffered a great hardship in her life. She can keep control of her element longer than the others.
Planet of origin: Aiella
Race: Kal’tresh’nal
Real name: Wavesong of Dragon Cove
Food: She doesn’t like one thing above all other foods, so she’s not picky about what she eats and can’t be pulled by one particular food or drink on a regular basis.)
Gemstone: sapphire
Flower: blue rose because they are rare and not something you see every day
Colour: shades of blue
Activities: music (she’s a very musical person), swimming, reading, music
Food: sandwiches (they’re boring)
Gemstone: aquamarine
Flower: daisy (Innocence, Loyal love, I'll never tell, Purity ) She dislikes them because they’re plain, cutesy, and common.
Colour: neon colors
Activities: gym (she’s not fond of mandatory physical activity being something of a weakling in physical matters)

Code Name: Starwave
Primary Colour: dark cyan
Power Type: water
Sehashi Level: Guardian
Name of Power: Water Dragon
Power Type:
Description: Sends a dragon shaped stream of water to weaken the enemy
Name of Power: Water Wall Surround
Power Type:
Description: Creates a protective barrier of water
Name of Power: Water Rise
Power Type: Gives her temporary control over the element Water