
Code Name: Huanglong
Primary Color: gold
Secondary Color: blue
Tertiary Colour: white
Power Type: Earth, Seasons & Metamorphosis
Sehashi Level: Celestial
Place of Power: City Hall
The eldest and most experienced of the Entities, Huanglong is the intellectual of the group. While his goals are the same as his companions, he has his own methods of doing things and often goes away from the others for extended periods of time. His experiments are something of a running joke with the others, but the ones that do turn out as he plans are no laughing matter, at least not for anyone allied with him.
When the seal around their prison was broken, Huanglong was the last to leave. He’d been around the longest and had learned to be cautious. When it seemed that this was no trick he, too, left to take a host. While externally, Baihu seems to be in charge, his word carries weight with his other entities. His massive amount of experience has allowed them to formulate their plans. When he arrived on Earth and it came time to choose his host, he chose one that the others wouldn’t have considered either for themselves or imagining as a host for him: a young girl.
Name of Power: Celestial Dragon Claws
Power Type:
Description: He rakes the air with his nails in the direction of his target
Name of Power: Shattered Earth Metamorphosis
Power Type:
Description: He jumps up into the air, spinning around. As he lands back on the ground, he plunges his sword into the ground, causing it to erupt in a circle from him. Clumps of dirt, rock, or whatever the ground was made of go flying around, hitting targets indiscriminately. The area is also darkened my dust clouds. How dark depends on what the ground is made of.
Name of Power: Golden Dragon’s Retribution
Power Type:
Description: Narrow beams of blinding light shot down at random intervals, scorching everything they touched
Name of Power: Metamorphic Earth Tempest
Power Type: