
Lifespan: 50 years
Average Height: 12 feet
Griarot are monogendered, tree-like creatures. They have a dome shaped head with a single forward facing eye. Their mouths are located somewhere beneath the dome and are full of really nasty, pointy teeth.
As they age they develop nodules of hardened sap over their bodies. This typically begins in their middle years.
Genetics and Reproduction[edit]
They reproduce by budding. Every decade or so they produce a small bud on the crest of their head. After a couple weeks this bud opens and the seeds from the blossom spread as they travel. These seeds become buried in the dirt and will eventually sprout into trees. Once they reach the full height of a griarot they start to develop the characteristics of their species. It's believed that this is a defense mechanism.
Ecology and Habitats[edit]
Griarot are most often found in southern Becina.
Dietary Needs and Habits[edit]
They're carnivorous, using their long arms to snatch birds out of the air and trap rodents. Their preferred prey is Jackabit.
Social Structure[edit]
These creatures live a solitary existence, paying little attention to others of their kind.
Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms[edit]
The tendrils on their backs are a vine they have a symbiotic relationship with.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking[edit]
Their skin has a barky texture, which is unsurprising.