Gehenna City

Location: Gliese 581 d/Shalaroam
Spaceport: Gehenna Transgalactic
Transit: trains
Gehenna is an artificially created city located on an extrasolar planet set up to study its native marine life. It is a multi-species world with visitors coming in from all over the quadrant. The city's population itself is mixed.
Local Industries[edit]
Danfield Fisheries
Located on the south side, they have the largest aquariums.
Pinecraft Shipping
Located on the east side, they serve as a refueling station. They have a cruise line called Winged Sun Tours.
Oceana Cosmetics
Most people say that beauty is only skin deep. At OC, they say it is ocean deep. Using all-natural ingredients harvested from the ocean they've created a new line of cosmetics ranging from soaps and shampoos to products that reduce the signs of ageing.
Oceana Spa is their sister company and exclusively uses OC products. They also have an on-site gym.
Amigone Funeral Services
At present this is the only one in the city and the cemetery isn't very large.
The locally owned grocery chain. There are three locations as well as an all in one shop that carries clothing, electronics, stationary, pets, and furniture.
Inferi Dii Comm
Abbadon University
Gehenna Tech
Domdaniel High school
Avernus High school
Stygia Junior high school
Rhadamanthus Junior high school
Tophet Elementary school
Erebus Elementary school
There are two large malls and three smaller strip malls:
Large: Dante Plaza, Cthonia Mall
Small: Erebus Center, Cocytus Row, Lethe Shopping Center
There are several small clinics set up around the city but only two hospitals
Persephone Memorial
Minthe General
Housing Districts[edit]
Phlegethon Heights
Mnemosyne Falls
Cocytus Apartments
Cumae Ridge
Asphodel Fields
Elysia Park
Avernus Park
Other Locations[edit]
Acheron Bay
Pie Five Mug Shot coffee house
Gehenna Comets baseball