
Name: Nai'a Kawai
Pronunciation: nah ee ah
Meaning: dolphin, the water
Gender: female
Age: 17
Birthday: October 16
Blood Type: B-
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Strengths: Nai'a has perfect pitch. She considers it a strength even though it can also be a weakness since things that are off key can be painful for her to hear.
Weaknesses: Food (because, aside from disliking ramen, she’ll eat nearly anything so long as it’s, you know, edible). She is a huge fan of Aeon (she considers this a weakness as she’ll do almost anything to get her hands on tickets or other related merchandise; needless to say, she has quite the collection). She’s very bad at making difficult decisions.
Family: unknown
School History: Elysium Valley High School
Nai'a’s hair color is naturally black, but she likes to experiment, dying it different colors. She insists on only using the kinds of dyes that will wash out, though. Her eyes are burnt umber in color. She’s 5’9’’ tall and weighs 140 lbs. She has a dimple in her right cheek when she smiles. Her body shape is fairly slender if not overly curvaceous.
Clothing style[edit]
While not being one for things that would be considered fashionable to the rest of the world, Nai'a does have her own sense of style. Whenever she wears a shirt with a collar (like a dress shirt or blouse), chances are, she’s wearing a tie to go with it. She loves ties and toe socks and has a large collection of both. She’s also fond of suspenders.
She dislikes conflict and goes out of her way to solve arguments. She’s fairly easy going and sociable but can be really indecisive, especially when it comes to tough decisions. She has been known to be a bit of a flirt, but she really only flirts with people she knows. She has a passionate dislike of coarseness and vulgarity and has a marked tendency to hit people who use swear words around her.
Food: blackberries and red grapes
Gemstone: pietersite
Flower: thistle
Colour: light purple
Activities: playing the trumpet, jazz music, tie shopping, second hand stores (books, games, clothing, etc)
Food: ramen
Flower: snap dragon
Colour: blue
Activities: gardening, karaoke, country and western music, hip hop music and dancing, remembering dates (like with History class)

Code Name: Eridanos
Primary Colour: amber
Secondary Colour: umber
Power Type: underworld rivers
Sehashi Level: Warrior
Name of Power: Soul Woe
Power Type:
Description: This power fills her target with a deep sense of sorrow and depression. They become so sad that they stop whatever they were doing and just sit down, completely wrapped up in how sad they are.
Name of Power: Death's Lamentation
Power Type:
Description: This is a more powerful version of her first power. They can become suicidal under the influence of this power, thinking that life is futile. They will stop defending themselves against all attacks.
Name of Power: Blood Fire
Power Type:
Description: With this power, she can heat a person’s blood, making them feel feverish. The heat will slowly drive them crazy. Many will go to extreme measures to get rid of the burning in their veins. With enough power behind it, she could likely kill someone with this attack, though she’s never actually done so.
Name of Power: River of Forgetfulness
Power Type:
Description: Simply put, this power makes people forget something. The problem is that Eridanos has to consciously think about what it is she wants her target to forget while she’s performing it.
Name of Power: River of Hate
Power Type:
Description: Possibly her most dangerous power, she can turn allies against themselves. The power plays on a person’s own innate insecurities and fears, amplifying them to dangerous levels. It incites violence in even the most mild mannered people. It will only last for nine minutes, symbolic of the River Styx, which is said to encircle Hades nine times.