
Name: Eithlin Naesandoral
Nicknames: Small fry
Gender: female
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 21
Species: Alurian
Ethnicity: Ernagau
Home world: Fler
Current residence:
Birthday: Ubuxius 14, Pohm Age
- Height: 4’2’’
- Weight: 65 lbs
Eithlin has dark brown hair and two toned skin. She has no visible pupil in her golden eyes. Like most alurians, she's short with a slight figure. She has no scars, but has a small tattoo on her right wrist. She hides it under the bracelet she always wears.
Clothing style:
Personality: Eithlin is cheerful and more than a little naive. She's been described as a walking ball of sunshine. She sees the world through rose coloured lenses, often to her detriment. She believes in the inherent goodness of people and has a tough time telling when someone is lying to her.
Weaknesses: She's particularly vulnerable to fire, given that her people evolved from flowers. She's also vulnerable to cold and can be sluggish in the dark. She's often reluctant to use her magic given that the demon in her staff keeps trying to get her to use it for bad things.
Likes: Mushrooms, pears
Dislikes: Bunnies, pepper

Dream[s]: To get rid of Yohr and gain full control of her staff.
History: Eithlin is descended from a long line of warlocks. She wasn't aware of this fact until she turned 13. She knew her family had magic, but didn't know what its source was. Her mother, Ametlin, explained it to her the day after her birthday.
Eithlin was horrified that their power came from Tobori, rather than Juart as she's thought. She vowed that it would make no difference, that she would live her life the way she always had as a devout follower of the goddess Oone rather than Chathar—her family's patron god.
Exasperated, her mother gifted her with a staff that had been in their family for many generations. While she was pleased at first, she soon learned that a demon named Yohr lived in the staff's large spherical crystal. He spent his time trying to goad her into actions contrary to her personal code.
She dedicates her time to learning how to use her magic in the least evil way possible. She also does a lot of research into how to get rid of Yohr. Her research led her to leave home.

Known languages: