
Earth has a long history of sehashi protectors, but at some point someone had to be the first. This fellow is Eamnonn, better known by his sehashi name of Dagda. He lived during the Neolithic period (In his case roughly 3000 BC) in what is present day County Meath, Ireland. It's unclear if the myth of the figure known as The Dagda existed before him or if his exploits as a sehashi caused the myths. In either event, there are numerous similarities between the two.
The Dagda is an important god of the Tuatha Dé Danann who is portrayed as a father-figure, king, and druid. He is associated with fertility, agriculture, virility and strength, as well as magic, druidry and wisdom. He influences or controls life and death, the weather and crops, as well as time and the seasons.
He is often described as a large bearded man or giant wearing a hooded cloak. He owns a magic staff, club, or mace (the lorg mór or lorg anfaid) which kills with one end and revives to life with the other, a cauldron (the coire ansic) which never runs empty, and a magic harp (uaithne) which can control men's emotions and change the seasons. He is said to dwell in Brú na Bóinne (Newgrange).
On the other hand, the sehashi Dagda wasn't even remotely royal though he did become a father to a good sized family later in life. All of his children are said to have survived into adulthood, a rarity for the age, which may have been the source for the claims of fertility and virility. Eamnonn was raised as a farmer and by all accounts was good at it even though he would much rather play music. He stood taller than average, often wearing hooded cloaks. The only cauldron object he ever owned was in his home and used for cooking.
His staff, lorg anfaid, didn't appear until several years into his life as a sehashi. It's one of the objects that vanished with its owner's death as is common, but the torc around his neck was handed down through his family, given to any son of his that inherited his power. It's unknown if it holds any power or has any ability, but European sehashi are familiar with this item and would recognize a descendant of the mighty Dagda by its presence. It sadly hasn't been worn in nearly a century.
All information regarding the Dagda is from Wikipedia.