
Home world: Karii
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 200 lbs
Lifespan: 91 yrs approx
Diet: They eat crustaceans. They don't need to drink at all.
Sentient: yes
Body Structure: four legs, tail, long neck
Locomotion: quadruped
Diet: Crustaceans
Natural weapons: none
Intelligence: Above Average
Population: Limited
Predators: many, though most are from off-planet sources
Population: Limited
Intelligence: Above Average
Temperament: Very shy
They can jump as high as 11 meters.
Dicta are shy and wary of strangers. Most species who encounter them view them as animals and hunt them. For centuries, the dicta was regarded as challenging prey. Their meat isn't much to speak of, but their hides and organs fetch high prices in the right markets. Experienced hunters value them for the challenge.
While highly intelligent, it takes time for them to figure out how to communicate with outsiders. While they are capable of verbal communication, they dislike it. This has led to a number of misunderstandings and a tragic loss of life.
When highly stressed, they can collapse and die easily.
While Dicta don't reach their full maturity until early in their twenties, they are capable of producing offspring at eleven years old. There's a faction among them who think they should begin producing offspring as early as possible to try and bolster their dwindling numbers.
Opposing this is a group that believes immature parents will produce inferior offspring and it is best to wait until after full maturity to consider breeding.
Males compete for the right to mate with the females. These competitions is often deadly, further reducing the population
Newborn dicta are left to fend for themselves at birth.