Book 5 Appendix

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Language Translations[edit]

Chiomi Eityiluá - element encircle; used by Anai’la Saijiou
Dyotau Chiwoa - thousand cuts; used by Anai’la Saijiou
Futyiázhu Håpu - endless pain; used by Anai’la Saijiou
Iápeifei Låku - darkness shield; used by Anai’la Saijiou
Izhu Vahe’e Evo - light earth pulse return; used by Starleaf
Jemahe Iguvo - tornado burst; used by Haariline
Kåshwáu Harato - jungle fever; used by Waromik
Lusol Anie - red poison; used by Oshisalon
Peifei Odyua dark shadows; used by Anai’la Saijiou
Peifei Zhiá - dark fog; used by Shihachu
Purhufala Luzho - blinding wind; used by Rashuwo
Ruja Shjushus - blue poison; used by Quiarinite
Setuba Ute - ice mist encase; used by both Dishanon and Ibitaa
Shimahe Ngefii - blizzard rage; used by Ibitaa
Sijuti Rusas Runnu - ice crystal crash - strike; used by Quiarinite
Swekäksyu Äro Pɥu - golden truth show; used by Starwind
Tuyun Netyek - black curtain; used by Oshisalon


Ene - a female practitioner of pleozay. The masculine equivalent is enelo
Oesaruv - human; lit. earth person. It’s not a natural word in the to’ra language but made using the words Œså (earth) and Äruv (person)
Pleozay - a kind of magic
not typically condoned by the to’ra nobility
Puwusu - summon; lit. great call
Shäpœ närut gåktugotr tal balmœ oesaruv - heart language share with all human. This is a spell used by Starwind so that the Earth sehashi could understand the Auri'll'ye Hiilshadaar sehashi
Tokulu - Blue Breeze; Starwind’s old sehashi name
Tomoe - far bright; the to’ra name for the star the tash kireil call Jegunur
Vastedr - night court or slumber party
Zhotifwoku - sky dancer; the name of the Kinshei Royal Palace


Alonon - damn
Frasorun - white sand
Hursinahurak - storm bringer
Lakaie - ember
Nomaiea hai - expression; Spirit of Nomaie
Nonei’a - stars
Nueohak - courting
Kir'eshal - a type of fox-like animal antive to Nomaie
Nukoyi - season star
Rutyeu - princess
Rutyo - queen
Shaiek - desert
Shaietyel-tan - desert wind; the name of the Nomaien high castle
Shenu - dark sand
Tehone’tyu - expression; like hell
Tuneityaheon’a - friends
Vevin - Nomaien equivalent to a puppy dog


Afalro mu nõdush - Tide’s blessings; a common Aiellan greeting
Nodush - Tide; this was also Starwave’s previous sehashi name


Fusado - star freedom
Shuzam - crescent


Meodel - flare


Bigu’tsu - stars
Ei - crap
Hareva - howl
Harevalire Kungu - howl rock; the name of the Ha’ven high castle
Qalafiho - swift runner; this was Starleaf’s former sehashi name
Zelshixaka - Bastard


Azo - crap

Tash Kireil[edit]

Boipå’re - loser
Boneku - great leader
Chaudyu - queen
Cheiami - song jewel
Cheikau - spirit jewel
Cheiuli - beautiful jewel
Cheiulu - identity jewel
Cheiwau - person jewel
Dorensha Jelushadar - We will conquer the other people
Harato - fever
Hechur - traitor
Hetyá - member of the honour guard
Jegunur - far home
Jua cheilu - reveal jewel
Jua iádyauli - reveal beauty
Jua kauchi - reveal spirit
Jua nopu - reveal music
Lafodyu - monster
Lauleá rufodyu - empty monster
Neku - leader
Shepaki - honour guard, traditionally consisting of 5 members
Shurbeinu - moon home


Planetary Keys[edit]

Ha’ven: Ngaxelite
Za’altoyan: Ñizhugtu
Aiella: Rujurig
Kinshei: Zhoshäpœ
Taleer: Imiohor
Nomaie: Shekutyaie
Raiven: Gáewaufadh
Dailen: Totsojef