Badb Corby

Gender: F
Birthday: October 2
Species: human
Appearance: 5'7" with a solid build, weighing 150 lbs.
Personality: She's a very happy and light-hearted person. She enjoys a good prank. Her favourite form of vengeance comes in the form of irritating pranks. She considers puns to be one of the highest forms of humour.
Family: Ciara (mother), Neil (father), Aednat (sister), Cillian (brother), Caoimhe Donovan (cousin)
History: Family: Ciara (mother), Neil (father), Aednat (sister), Cillian (brother), Caoimhe Donovan (cousin)
History: Badb isn't really close with her immediate family. They get along, but she's a bit of an outsider. The only close family tie she has is with her cousin, Caoimhe Donovan. After Badb found out about her identity as Onyx, she struggled with wanting to tell Caoimhe as they shared everything and thinking that something like this should be kept a secret. Eventually, she couldn't handle it. There was no one else to talk to about what she was dealing with so she told Caoimhe everything. At first, she was skeptical until Badb transformed in front of her. Caoimhe freaked out a little, but soon calmed down and accepted that this was really happening.
As irony would have it, Caoimhe was later found to be the sehashi known as Opal.
Badb’s family moved to Gehenna City when she was young. She has no distinct memories of Earth. Her two younger siblings were both born on Gehenna. A large chunk of her extended family also made the move. She met her spirit guardian Lelahel in the eighth grade and met the other three original gemstones soon after. Caoimhe joined the team six months later.
Presently, Badb works at a coffee shop down town called Mug Shot. This is where she met Telarake. Her manager, Draal, knows about her sehashi identity and is willing to cut her some slack at work because of it. Unfortunately for Badb, this is the main thing keeping her from finding a better job. She doesn't want to serve hot drinks for the rest of her life, but she also understands how valuable it is to work for someone who knows what she does in her off time and knows she sometimes has to leave work to deal with sehashi things.
Every year she tells herself that this is the year she retires from the sehashi life and every year she keeps doing it.
Food: Crepes
Flower: Ivy
Colour: blue
Activities: playing the violin
Food: pickles

Code Name: Onyx
Team: Gehenna Gemstones
Primary Colour: dark blue
Secondary Colour: black
Tertiary: gold
Power Type: Battle and fear
Status: Active
Attack Name: Battle Cry
Style: Defensive
The Attack: This is a sonic attack. When she uses it, she doesn't call out the attack but instead simply throws her head back and screams.
Allies will hear the noise as a simple scream, but enemies will hear a debilitating shriek that lowers their defence for a couple minutes.
She can only use it a few times per battle before it looses its effectiveness. If she screams too long it can start to affect her allies as well.
Attack Name: Razor Wings
Style: Offensive
The Attack: She raises her right arm and makes a fist. She calls out the attack and her shoulder gems glow. She flings her arm forward, opening her fist, releasing shards of black energy that look vaguely like feathers. These feathers slice into their target. She has a minimum required distance of triple her arm span from her target to effectively use the attack and the feathers can fly for up to 15 feet before they become harmless.
Name of Power: Regal Pneumatic Absolution
She collects teddy bears
Hates public transport
Strangely well-organized