Asuga Nishimura

Name: Asuga Nishimura
Meaning: Swift like a wind; West village
Gender: female
Age: 16
Birthday: January 01
Blood Type: A
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Strengths: Optimistic, calm, good at keeping secrets, and well spoken when she does speak at all.
Weaknesses: People think she has a lower intelligence because she doesn’t say much. She trusts very easily. She tries to rationalize everything, even things that are unimportant like having a slightly larger than usual portion of food at meals. She can’t swim and doesn’t like bodies of water where she can’t see the bottom.
Family: her parents are deceased so she lives with her paternal grandparents
School: Elysium Valley High
People don’t usually peg Asuga as Japanese because of her darker skin tone and height. She’s 5’6’’ with a very thin non-muscular body. She has long, straight, black hair always done up in a long ponytail tied with a white ribbon and dark grey eyes. When her hair is let down it falls straight to her knees. It’s not very thick or heavy despite its length.
Clothing style[edit]
Around the shrine she can typically be seen wearing a yukata or a miko outfit. Her favorite yukata is light blue with white flowers and grey obi. When not in either of those two types of clothing, she wears leggings with a knee length skirt overtop and high necked, long sleeved shits and it’s usually only for doing work around the temple.
To put her personality in the simplest of terms, Asuga is shy. She rarely says much, even to her grandparents. She is very feminine in her likes and hobbies. She appears to be very serene and calm. She has a strong aversion to getting dirty.
Without parents to raise her, she was raised by her father’s parents in a Shinto shrine. The shrine itself dates back to the 1600s and has been renovated many times to include more modern conveniences. It is an Inari shrine, dedicated to the kami of rice, with a pair of fox komainu guarding the entrance. Its torii are made of wood and painted orange and black. Her mother died in childbirth along with her only brother and her father vanished mysteriously when she was only four, so she has no memories of either one. Her grandparents are reluctant to tell her much about her parents. She’s not particularly curious about them in either case, preferring to focus on the present. She leaves peacefully with her grandparents, who are strict, but never harsh as she gives them no reason to be.
Food: turkey, tempura
Gemstone: opal
Flower: lilac
Colour: light purple
Activities: Art, calligraphy, dancing, the shamisen
Food: odango, yakisoba
Flower: poppy
Activities: Noise, violence, blood