Aquatic Ferali

Lifespan: 80 years
Average Height: 5'
Average Weight: 100 lbs
Geographic Origin and Distribution: Oceans of Feralia
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking[edit]
While it's agreed that other colour variations exist, the ones encountered all seem to be a blue-grey in colour with various areas of lighter colour. They have fish-like gills along where the chest of a land dweller would be and those tend to be pinkish to purple in tone.
Conservation Status[edit]
A law set down during the Second Age made it illegal to capture or kill these creatures. To do so on purpose is an automatic 10 year prison sentence. To cause the death of one accidentally results in a fine of 300 pataca if reported and 1000 pataca if not reported and then discovered at a later date.
They have heads that are much like those of the ferali, but with bodies like those of a manta ray. Hidden in the folds of the wing flaps are finger-like digits. Observers have seen them using these digits much like the Ferali use their fingers, leading to speculation that the two species are somehow related.
Ecology and Habitats[edit]
These people have been spotted in all of Feralia's oceans. It's not known if they live in the water like other marine life or if they have some form of dwelling further down in the water. The Ferali don't posses the ability to dive deep enough underwater to make this determination. As such, very little is known about this species.
Dietary Needs and Habits[edit]
They've been seen eating fish and an assortment of crustaceans. They seem to prefer their food raw, though whether this is by choice or through a lack of the ability to cook things is unclear.
Capturing them is illegal so it's not known if they can be domesticated. The theory exists that they could be based on their intelligence, but finding some way to keep them would be the greater challenge.
Facial characteristics[edit]
Unlike land dwelling Ferali, these creatures have an black outer ring to their eyes with a solidly coloured center. Their eyes are more round than the oval shape found in their land based cousins. They have some kind of fleshy horns on their head but their purpose is as yet undetermined.
An Aquatic's nose is little more than a pair of slits in the front of their face. It's believed that these slits close off when submerged in water.
They have mouths full of needle sharp teeth unlike the more varied teeth found in a land dweller's mouth.
Average Intelligence[edit]
They posess a basic intelligence, much like some of the larger marine mammals.
Perception and Sensory Capabilities[edit]
They're believed to be able to see well in the dark and have some ability to breathe underwater. They also appear to be able to breathe air as well.
Common Dress Code[edit]
The don't wear clothing, but they seem particularly fond of adorning themselves with shells, especially in their hair.
Interspecies Relations and Assumptions[edit]
They appear to be curious about their land dwelling cousins but don't allow people to get too close to them.