Shu'venath Province

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This province is easily accessible on the north and south borders as there are no major geographical features blocking access. Tula'tevenn Province to the north and Ta'lakivor Province to the south are its allies.
People settled there for the abundance of lumber resources and farmland. After the presence of the silkmoths was discovered, lumbering in the Silkmoth Forest halted to preserve and capitalize on that resource as all efforts to breed the moths in captivity failed.

They have a total population of 9466704 (15% of the population). A small town has roughly 400 people.

The population is a blend of human and wolfling with a large community of siathi, particularly around Threadsilk Manor.

Geographical Features
Aviyr Lake
River of Sorrows
Wind singer Forest
Ircona Rush
Isslem River
Silver Birch Sanctuary
Threadsilk Manor