P'yoter Dialorenn

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Name: P’yoter Dialorenn
Meaning: earth child
Race: human
Home town: Nei’lar
Hold Affiliation: An’taha, formerly of Dulanenn
Physical Description: He is 5’6’’ tall and stocky with dirty blond hair that is always cut short and blue eyes.
Manner of Dress:
Preferred colors: black, grey, deep blue
Identifying feature(s):
Special Talent:
Family: Alianna (mother), Garek (father), younger sisters (Ciarenn and Briala), younger brother Reley
History: His family has lived on Dulanenn for as long as anyone can remember with the exception of my mother's father, who was himself chyletwe at Xuwenn Dragonhold more than forty years ago. He was named after him.

Dragon name: Clariant
Dragon species: tiann