Ophalia Truesonne

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Full Name: Ophalia Truesonne
Age: 24
Birthday: Valris 22, 1498
Hometown: Dretha’rel
Hair/eye colour - Atharia: brown/
Hair/eye colour - Keverynn: dark purple/purple
Skin tone: Caucasian
Type of build: She's a little on the pudgy side.
Favourite colour: purple
Known family members: Laina (mother) and Taaron (father). No siblings.
Most at ease when: practicing magic
Optimist or pessimist: pessimist
Introvert or extrovert: extrovert
Talents: designing clothes, magic
Dislikes: She doesn't like Ade’daren stew. She claims to have a refined palate, but in reality she's just a really picky eater.
Back on Atharia she was just a lower middle class nobody looking for a place, any place, that would accept her without ridiculing her for being the daughter of a simple factory worker.
Ophalia would do anything Asharos asks without hesitation, regardless of how dangerous.
She has a necklace that her mother gave to her when she was five years old. The pendant is made of a smooth green sphere. It's etched with lines that form a simple map of the planet Atharia. A small diamond chip is set into a spot on the western hemisphere, marking her home town of Dretha’rel.
