Mienna Sahiil
Pronunciation: mai-enna
Age: 20
DoB: year 855 on the 069th day of summer
Gender: female
Orientation: straight
Race: human
Origin: Telvan
Height: 5'3
Build: slight
Home town: Karath
Group Affiliation: Chant of Fire, Dragon Warriors
Occupation/Rank: Chief Priestess
Known family members: mother, father
She’s a very curious, open, and optimistic person.
She is dominantly left handed
Her strength is in her faith in both her religion and in people
She has such a deep belief in that all people have good inside them that she can’t believe someone would act in an evil manner.
Her nearly waist long hair is medium brown and is almost always worn loose. Her eyes are light brown.
reading, sewing, painting, calligraphy
the great temple
singing (she’s tone deaf)
anyplace that smells bad
Physical Abilities: She is able to sit or stand for long periods of time. She has beautiful handwriting.
Mystical Abilities: This is debatable. On her own, she has none, but she is occasionally granted powers by Kal Sharash.
She is the Chief Priestess of Kal Sharash the Fire Lord. She looks very sweet and innocent, but can pry things out of you before you realize what she’s doing. She was chosen only two years ago to become a priestess. Almost immediately thereafter, Kal Sharash chose her to succeed the dying Chief Priest. Ostensibly, she leads the Dragon Warriors, but since she’s had no training to do so, she leaves it up to Nalshen, her lover, to lead.
Inhari - Her best friend
Nalshen Rael - Her lover