Lunar Script
Spoken by: Chant of Night
Common Phrases:
SUUT'Y MXKKZOTMY - Moon's greetings
YQE RUXJ/YQE RUXJY - Sky Lord/Sky Lords
HKMOTTOTM UL JGEY - Beginning of Days
INGTZ UL TOMNZ - Chant of Night
GT'QGZKXX - An'katerr
Common Female Names
OSHXOG - Imbria
Common Male Names
YNORJXOGT - Shildrian
Hidden within the reaches of the Talmalee Mountain Range in Shanshiire there is a cavern that has crude writing on the walls with instructions on how to find and contact Imbria and those who follow her. It is written in an archaic form of the standard alphabet but is still legible. Anyone stumbling upon this writing would find it to be complete gibberish. Even the most innocent of words, such as the name An'katerr is written strangely. In this shifted script it reads as GT'QGZKXX.
Only with study and patience would one decipher the words, putting the letters in the correct order.
This is a difficult thing for Jiinalese people who wish to learn her ways as they have their own language. Many are put in the position of having to learn the language of the mainland if they didn't know it already in order to learn the cypher. In 485 there was a sufficiently high number of Imbria's followers in Jiinal that some of her texts were translated into Jiinalese. They formed their own small colony of Lunais Cove on the far western side of Ludrasi Island.
Writing System
The Lunar script uses the same base alphabet as the rest of An'katerr. To keep their writings to each other a secret they shift the letters by 6, a number that is sacred to them. 5 is sacred to the rest of An'katerr so it's unlikely they would think to use a 6 shift.
Geographical Distribution
It's found all across An'katerr. Most people stumbling across samples of it would misidentify it as utter gibberish and leave it at that.
It shares the same vocabulary as the main language of An'katerr. It's only the writing that is shifted.
There's no special phonology unique to this language. It's primarily a written language.