Keverynn Society

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Modern day Keverynn is a quasi-feudal system. The Dragonlords rule over their respective provinces with the help of their council. The nobility exists but it’s largely a holdover from the Old Era. They have influence but not as much as they once enjoyed. Most ‘nobles’ are titles only. Those who are still in power fulfil the traditional roles , watching over parcels of land to ensure its safety and to ensure that the taxes reach the capital.


Farming is the most common occupation. Most villages have at least two large fields dedicated to growing the crops they need while some have as many as four or five.


Common foods: coarse bread, vegetables, oatmeal, milk, cheese Common meats (both fresh and preserved): rabbit, goose, pigeon Common herbs: mint, sage, rosemary, parsely


Men and women are generally equals, although this differs in some places, such as Tir’ri and Sutar. Some occupations are seen as more masculine or more feminine but in general no one is barred from any of them.

Music and entertainment

Lutes are a popular instrument, invented by humans in the Old Era.
Other instruments:
Small drums (nakers)

Plays are a popular form of public entertainment.


Each province maintains a standing army of both dragonriders and ground troops. With the ever present threat of attack from the Darkriders and roaming bands of bandits, troops are well trained and their gear is rigorously maintained.

Most towns initially had an outer wall for defensive purposes. Some have since outgrown this wall and not bothered to build a new one.


With the change to the calendar after the First Incursion the reason for the holidays became lost. The days are still celebrated, though not all of them warrant a rest day. Aside from the major holidays celebrated across Keverynn each Province has their own extra days. Towns generally hold monthly fairs during the warmer months.

See also: Calendar


Disease is a big part of life. Some kinds of illnesses are more prevalent than others. The study of diseases and their treatments was once a high calling. Herbal remedies are the most common treatments these days now that magic has fallen out of practice.

See also: Illnesses


Some places have easier access to clean water than others.
The siathi drill wells that are very clean.
Wolflings build purification systems.
Humans often live near bodies of water as do the chume’taly.

Even so, wine, ale, and cider are more popular beverages for many. Milk is also widely consumed although the siathi can’t tolerate cow’s milk.


Carpets are expensive and often used as wall decorations rather than floor coverings. Only the truly wealthy would put something like that on the ground where it can get dirty.


Blacksmiths are crucial to the survival of most communities.
10% of a town’s produce is tithed to the capital.


Babies were born at home assisted by a midwife and sometimes other female family members. Men were rarely present or permitted to attend. They’re nursed until they can eat solid food like porridge and mashed produce.
Illnesses were common and children often died young. Generally speaking if a child lived to see its fifth year then it would be fine. Children play with toys when they aren’t helping with age appropriate tasks or seeing to their schooling.
Common toys:
Wooden dragons, hobby horses, dolls, darts, balls, instruments

Guessing games, races, catch, clapping games