Juhalia fin Afeliann

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Name: Juhalia fin Afeliann
Meaning: magician
Nicknames: Wizard
Race: vaen
Rank: Patrol rider
Home town: Dulanenn Freeborn camp
Hold Affiliation: Dulanenn Freeborn
Physical Description: 5’7’’, waist length blond hair and blue eyes
Manner of Dress: high heeled white mid boots, tan leggings, bronze sword belt, loose short sleeved white shirt
Preferred colors: tan, white, bronze
Voice: alto
Personality: Juhalia is much like her twin, but more withdrawn
Identifying feature(s): none
Special Talent: Ayare
Hobby: riding, singing to her dragon
Mate: Tariyenn Meshali
Family: twin brother Je’lund fin Afeliann , mother (Drionna)

Dragon name: Salia
Dragon species: deshenn