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An adult dragon occasionally feels a tugging on their kalar (their spirit or essence) that sends them out in search of the source of the tug. It’s this tug that is the initial formation of the bond between a dragon and their rider. Dragons most often Choose people in their area as their rider. Most riders are human, though green dragons most frequently Choose chume’taly as their riders given that they share the same territory. In some extreme cases, a dragon will travel outside of their province to find the source of the tug. ‌ In bonding, a dragon can partner with a male or a female, regardless of the dragon’s gender. It’s most common to see same gender dragon and rider pairs, though opposite gender pairs are seen.

In the event that a dragon is killed, the rider dies soon afterwards as they cannot survive the shock of the loss regardless of what species they are. Dragons, on the other hand, can survive without their Chosen rider, though it’s not pleasant. Some have been known to find another rider, but the bond isn’t as strong as it was with the first rider.

Not all of the dragons that associate with the Dragonlords have Chosen riders. Some allow themselves to be ridden much as wyndchilds do. In some cases, a dragon will have a friend among the warriors and will allow that person to ride them into combat. Not all dragons will allow this, however. Some fly into battle with no rider. There are also dragons who choose to remain apart from the Dragonlords.

‌ While the provinces themselves were established in 661, it took time to convince the people that the new way of doing things was better than the old way. ‌ Technically, the first Dragonlords were established with the provinces, but they weren't formally recognized by the people they swore to protect until 672.

The Dragonlords are more or less a military organization with clearly defined ranks. While there are five separate Provinces, each follows the same rank structure.


Dragonriders belong to one of five groups depending on which kind of dragon they're partnered with. They all fall under the purview of the Dragonlords. Each Dragonlord army is known by a specific name:

Azure Coterie
Viridescent Faction
Auric Troupe
Argent Array
Alabaster Concourse

Each army has the same rank structure.

Junior Rider - To attain this rank one simply needs to have been Chosen by a dragon of any colour. This is the starting rank of anyone newly Chosen. Juniors spend a large chunk of their time learning how to cope with their new station in life and how to care for a creature as large as a dragon. While dragons are intelligent and self-sufficient, there are things they can't do, such as mend saddles and tend to certain injuries. These riders learn about dragon anatomy, military formations, and are assigned to a wing of other junior riders under the watchful eye of a seasoned Flightleader.
Rider First Grade - These riders are deemed experienced enough to be turned over to the command of a Wingleader. They learn more advanced dragon care, such as mending their gear and learning to identify ailments in their dragons.
Rider Second Grade - the most senior of the regular riders, they're considered experienced enough to physically tend to draconic injuries. They're expected to assist with the less experienced riders if their dragon has sustained an injury.
Flightsecond ‌- Oversee the flight training of junior riders, assisting a Flightleader.
Flightleader ‌- Flightleaders oversee a wing of junior riders.
Wingsecond - These riders are second-in-command to a Wingleader
Wingleaders - They are in direct command of a wing of twelve dragons, including themselves and their Wingsecond‌.These wings comprise of First and Second Grade riders. Commanders - They are appointed by the Dragonlord at the advice of the Captains that oversee them. They oversee four wings.
Captain - These senior riders oversee eight wings of dragons and sit on the Dragonlord's council
Advisor - Advisors come from the most experienced and senior riders. They're chosen to work with the Dragonlord by previous advisors as they retire. The Dragonlord also has the power to appoint new advisors.

Non-standard ranks

General - This rank crops up from time to time among the dragonrider population. In many instances, it's an honorary title given to a captain who has provided exemplary service. In some cases, though, these generals are army generals who were Chosen late in their military career. In such a case, they keep their military rank. They go through the same training as a junior rider, but then often serve on the Dragonlord's council. The tactical expertise of these riders is too valuable to waste in a fighting wing.


Each Dragonlord has a sword attached to their office. While these blades are functional, they rarely see use. These swords belonged to the very first Dragonlords and have great significance to them

Azure - Brightcaller
Viridian - Earthsong
Amber - Dawnbreaker
Argent - Dreambinder
Ivory - Skyfall