Cult of Atraxia

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Founder: Asharos Sigilkeeper
Base of operations: Datroya Plains

The cult is known for its belief in a goddess called Atraxia who grants them magic powers for performing specific rituals. Many of these rituals involve a sacrificial element, such as spilling blood or killing an animal. Sometimes parts of the slaughtered animals are used in other rituals.

According to Atharian law, this cult (and all other like it in the past) are illegal. As such, Asharos built his compound in the Datroya Plain to avoid detection.

They're very selective as to who they let in. This is in part due to a fear that members of law enforcement would go undercover to infiltrate them and learn where they are. This is also in part due to Asharos's belief that all members must have at least a basic amount of the Gift.

Asharos targets people who are terminally ill, promising that the magic he and his followers practice can heal them. He also believes the technology the Atharians depend on is poisoning the people, creating new and untreatable illnesses. He is anti-space travel and against new technological developments, advocating for a return to a simpler lifestyle.

The cult wasn't always violent. When it first began, all Asharos wanted was to be allowed to worship his goddess in peace and have others be granted the same freedoms. His petitions to the government went unanswered, so he began preaching in the streets. This was followed by several cult members being arrested. Asharos escaped arrest and prosecution, but with his name now known his movements were watched. The cult began meeting at night in clandestine locations until he had the funds put together to construct his sanctuary. From there matters escalated as the cult faced increasing amounts of persecution.

In the seven years since its founding, they've orchestrated attacks on several ship building facilities, a suicide bombing on the lunar facility, and two known gas attacks.

Asharos prefers to destroy property over taking lives, but in recent years he's made a shift towards the latter, not caring if non-believers die. It was this shift in behaviour that kicked his cult's case from Atharian law enforcement over to the Agency.

One of his goals is to have the ban on religion over turned. He has plans to attack the homes and offices of government officials who continue to oppose the ban. Despite the violence of his actions, he has sympathisers in the upper levels of Atharian government.

Shortly before Kenian left the cult compound, Asharos and his Maesters had devised a plan to attack an R&D facility in Aren'march. The plan would likely kill many people.

Cult Hierarchy

High Priest
Senior Acolyte
Junior Acolyte

Known Rituals

Ritual of Colours
Aspfori - it's one of the first rituals initiates participate in. It requires the removal of an animal foot to harvest the bones.


Abeatsu harinn tenyulann.
Ya’tu jakrann hecterebaysu.
Antaoru qurana tulann gentar Keverynn.
Miisu bebadye yatsufurya.
Da’enn koll vo’vure Atraxia.