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Population: 747
Location: Chalybeous Territory


Aopten is located on the shores of Lake Vreshtu. It's on the opposite side from Stormrunner's Hollow. The river known as Kniferock Rapids runs through town.


Aopten is governed by a council of elders, led by a woman named Eryell Cotte.

Notable Places

Arran's Masonry: A cluttered stonemason's workshop, built within a ring of ancient stone monoliths.

They are simple clay miners with very little skill for defense. They've remained safe from bandits simply because there is nothing there that would make a raid profitable.


Mostly human.

Industry & Trade

The unique yellow clay mined there has a distinctive metallic look to it when fired.

Guilds And Factions

Potter's guild
Clay miners

Natural Resources

Yellow clay