Aloysia fel Tiorenann
Name: Aloysia fel Tiorenann
Meaning: famed fighter
Race: Vaen
Rank: Rider, council member
Home town: Djulak
Hold Affiliation: Xuwenn
Physical Description: 5’6’’ fiery red hair in a cascade ponytail, yellow eyes.
Manner of Dress: mid height fire orange boots with yellow trim on the top. Fire orange colored jumpsuit, yellow vest with a fire pattern, yellow belt.
Preferred colors: yellow, orange
Voice: Mezzo-soprano
Personality: Aloysia is adventurous and outgoing. She can be merciless at times and is only understanding to her friends. She can handle almost anything.
Identifying feature(s): none
Special Talent: summoning and banishing fire
Hobby: trying new things, racing
Mate: Darwinn
Dragon name: Orbeonn
Dragon species: silver