Humans of Keverynn
Home country:
Spoken language:
Religion: none
Major organizations: [Darkriders]], Dragonlords, Nomads
Creating Fragment: Keverynn
The nuclear family is predominant throughout the five provinces, particularly in human culture. A typical family has at least three children and sometimes as many as seven. Single child homes are quite rare.
Humans of Melphor
Home country: Miltan
Spoken language: Ehkan
Religion: polytheistic
Social system: Houses
Major organizations: Order of the Rose, Scholars, Orders of the Stars
Creating Fragment: Ulwinn
Humans of An'katerr
Spoken languages: Common, Jiinalese
Major organizations: Sacred Warriors, Bandits
Religion: polytheistic
Creating Fragment: Shildrian
Humans of Tarang
Home country:
Spoken language:
Social system:
Major organizations:
Creating Fragment: Manacatl
Humans of Liulge
Home country:
Spoken language:
Social system:
Major organizations:
Creating Fragment: Viraba