Gathering of the Black Hand

Name: Gathering of the Black Hand Nickname: Black hand, skullies Temple Locations: Oldwatch, Witesa
Her devotees refer to Tehaksha as their Holy Mother.
To those who aren’t afraid to seek out Her truth, She cradles them in Her arms and whispers the secrets of the world to them. When they die, their skulls are given a place of honour in her temples, their bodies put in the ground to nurture the world. This flies in the face of every funerary right and has earned her followers much scorn. They believe that a soul remains intact regardless of what happens to the body. It’s their belief that the skulls of the faithful are worthy of remaining in Her temples while their blessed souls have a special place at Her side.

Devotees of Tehaksha are marked with facial scars, typically under the right eye. The more elaborate the scar, the higher they are in her favour. The highest ranking priests are marked with Tehaksha's sigil.
These marks have to be carved into the flesh over and over to prevent them from healing properly and to achieve the depth they required. It's a long and painful process and only someone with true devotion would consider putting themselves through it, let alone go through with it.
Many devotees shed their House name, believing that devotion to Tehaksha comes above their House affiliation.
High Priest/Priestess