Gira'loyis Province

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Horses are a rare commodity in this province. As a result, the army relies more heavily on their lancers, who are the best in training and equipment on Keverynn.

It has a total population of 6,764,668 (11% of the population). A small town has roughly 300 people.
Nobles are often referred to as goldshoes as they're wealthy enough to afford shoes in colours other than those found in nature. The term came about after a particularly wealthy noble was seen wearing a pair of shoes made from gold.

Geographical Features
Kenelowa Falls
Kenelowa River
Taylidenn Hills
Dragonfly River
Three Moon River
Lanidge Depths
Arrowhead Rush
Xaviri Stand
Lamaconn Reservoir
Thunderhead Falls
Rapid View
Sunhame (They are perpetually slow to send in their yearly taxes. The Amber Dragonlords hate dealing with them. They don't like the Dragonlords and don't deal with them if it can be at all prevented. They don't like anyone who isn't one of them.)
Dermaya Port