Book of Days

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Book of Days

Type: Text, Religious
Medium: Paper
Authoring Date: Year 3
Location: An'katerr
Related Organizations: Chant of Days, Chant of Earth, Chant of Fire, Chant of Metal, Chant of Water, Chant of Wood


The first copy of the Book of Days was completed in the third year after the Sky Lords came to An'katerr. It serves to record the teachings of the Sky Lords so that they are more easily passed on to future generations. Unlike other records at the time which were kept on scrolls or passed down via oral traditions, this was the first created book, made from parchment pages bound between two thin pieces of wood.

Each of the five countries has a slightly different version of this book. It was reasoned by the Sky Lords that this should be so as each county's history was different and each nation of people were different from each other. The beginning of the book would be the same, however, telling of how the Sky Lords had come to the people.

Once they had settled on the basics of the book, they decided to make it as easy to understand as possible and so there would be no real room for interpretation and no way to misunderstand what was meant by the text. It was also decided that there should be humans who made it their duty in life to study the book and its teachings and to pass their learning on. Those people became the first priests. Women were allowed to join and become priestesses if they wished. To watch over them, the first Chief Priests and Priestesses were appointed. The Sky Lords sat down with the Chief Priests and Priestesses and spoke to them about what was expected of them and what was in the book. They were instructed to make copies of the book so that any who wanted to could read it. They stressed the importance of the people knowing how to read. They knew it was not possible for everyone to learn, but they had to do their best for the days when the people would choose to spread out into the country side.

At first, only five copies of the Book of Days were made and these were handed to the Emperors who in turn handed them to the Chief Priest or Priestess of their country so that copies could be made.

The Book of Days teaches that the star designated as true north is the home of the Sky Lords.

Publication Status

Since the creation of the initial five books, thousands of copies have been made. The original five books are still in existence but are encased in glass as they're quite fragile.

Many houses own at least one copy even if they can't read the text. The temples distribute the books free of charge though donations of any kind are welcome to help maintain the temples and their staff.