Black Lung

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Black Lung is an illness caused by the inhalation of spores from the ash flower, common in the wooded areas of Telvan. Normally, inhaling these spores won't do more than irritate the throat and lungs and cause a mild cough. In the elderly and the very young, these spores can be quite dangerous as they don't have the strength to fight off infection. The spores set in and multiply.


Coughing, difficulty breathing, lethargy.
If not treated immediately, the spores will continue to multiply, causing fluid build-up in the lungs. Death occurs in all untreated cases.


These spores can be treated with a medicine made from avola root, kaldora mushroom oil, weeping pine sap, and sardoren leaves. Typically, these things are made into a syrup and flavoured with a variety of fruit flavours in an attempt to mask the bitter taste.